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Project Life Cycle HSE Management Activities – Civil Engineering & Infrastructure Work

This Method Statement describes the hse management arrangements and systems of work to be adopted by Company during civil engineering and Infrastructure groundwork operations.

The document, with its appended risk assessment, will suffice for the majority of works undertaken by the company but will require alterations or additions for certain projects.

Where additions and amendments are necessary, they will be listed at the bottom of this page and appended to the document.


  1. Preamble
  2. Development of the Health & Safety Plan
  3. Site Management
  4. Security
  5. Sub-Contractors
  6. Manual Handling
  7. Training
  8. Emergency Procedures
  9. Personal Protective Equipment
  10. Road Works
  11. Overhead and Buried Services
  12. Excavation Works
  13. Other Work Activities
  14. Documentation
  15. Alteration and Modification of Method Statement
  16. Hygiene and Welfare Facilities (site set-up)
  17. Risk Assessment
  18. Communication and Co-operation
  19. Declaration

1. Preamble

1.1 The work is to be carried out by Company and to comprise of civil engineering and infrastructure groundwork’s, as detailed in the contract documentation.

1.2 This method statement covers operations by the Company which take place on sites controlled and managed by a principal contractor, as defined in the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2007 / 2016 (CDM). Where the Company is engaged to act as Principal Contractor, a separate, project specific health and safety plan will be produced in accordance with CDM.

1.3 The Company will confirm to the principal contractor that all his operatives have previous experience of all aspects of work involved in projects of this type. Evidence of training may be made available for inspection if required.

2. Development of the Health and Safety Plan

2.1 Any relevant information contained within the Health & Safety Plan developed by the principal contractor must be passed to the Company for reference.

2.2 Copies of all relevant health and safety documentation will be retained on site by the principal contractor for reference by the Company as necessary.

2.3 The Company will make the following documents and information available on site, ensure that they are applicable and relevant to the project in hand and that, where appropriate, they have been passed to the principal contractor and/or safety consultant for comment:

(a) This method statement

(b) Generic and specific Risk Assessments prepared by the company

(c) Evidence of training for site personnel

(d) Inspection records for the plant and equipment to be used

(e) Such other information and documentation as is necessary.

2.4 A health and safety check list (document) will be submitted with this method statement. The document will outline the safety procedure and course of action to be taken by the company’s managerial representatives.

3. Site Management

3.1 The Company will be represented on site at all times during working hours Monday to Saturday by an experienced construction site manager and foreman/supervisors. Should alternative working times be needed a modification will be submitted listing all changes.

3.2 The supervisor may obtain guidance from safety consultancy, who advises Perfect Homes Limited on health and safety issues.

3.3 The company site Manager/supervisor will be responsible for ensuring that all works carried out by the Company’s employees are carried out according to this Method Statement, Health & Safety legislation, the principal contractor’s health and safety requirements and their own safe systems of work. This will be achieved with the assistance of induction training and toolbox talks.

3.4 Toolbox talks will be given to operatives by Company manager/supervisors, using the information contained in the Perfect Homes Toolbox Talk Manual and/or information provided by the principal contractor. Copies of completed record sheets will be forwarded to the principal contractor on request.

3.5  The groundwork’s supervisor will ensure that all work equipment is checked and certificated as appropriate. No work equipment will be used unless it is safe and suitable for its intended purpose.

4. Security

4.1 The principal contractor will be responsible for securing the site against unauthorized entry outside working hours.

4.2 All equipment, tools and materials supplied by the company will be placed into safe storage whenever the site is to be left unattended.

4.3 Additional care will be taken by the company to ensure that loading, unloading and other hazardous operations do not take place in areas where other site contractors, members of the public and other non-construction personnel are present or may enter.

5. Sub Contractors

5.1 Where sub contractors are engaged by the Company individually on a labor only basis, they will be treated by the Company as employees for the purposes of health and safety management.

5. 2 Sub-contractor companies will be selected after consideration of previous contracts, references and/or responses provided to the Perfect Homes Sub-Contractor Assessment Questionnaire. Once selected, contractors will be provided with a copy of our Safety Code for Sub Contractors and instructed to adhere to the rules and conditions laid down.

6. Manual Handling

6.1 All manual handling operations carried out by Company employees will be assessed by the groundwork’s supervisor who will advise on the methods to be adopted. Safe manual handling techniques are provided in the Perfect Homes employee handbook.

6.2 Full procedures for assessing manual handling tasks and ensuring safety during manual handling operations are contained within the Company safety manual. These will be adhered to at all times by our employees, who are given free access to all health and safety information.

6.3 Kerbs, slabs and other heavy roadside goods will be handled using mechanical means wherever reasonably practicable. In some instances, two-man lifting may be appropriate and this will be permitted only with the express permission of the groundwork’s supervisor.

7. Training

7.1 No person will be permitted to operate any plant, machinery or equipment unless competent and authorised to do so. Where formal training and certification is required, copies of relevant certificates will be provided to the principal contractor on request.

7.2 All persons will be made aware of the contents of this Method Statement and instructed to work according to its requirements.

7.3 All site personnel working under the control of Company will receive site induction training which will include reference to the following :

(a) The work to be carried out

(b) Emergency and first aid procedures

(c) Manual Handling

(d) Lifting operations

(e) General site safety

(f) Information on other site activities which may affect operations

7.4 Records of training will be kept using the Company induction training schedule form.

7.5 The principal contractor may also wish to provide induction training to company personnel prior to them commencing on site.

7.6 All Company personnel will have the appropriate CSCS training card before being granted access to site.

8. Emergency Procedures

8.1 The evacuation/fire assembly point will be determined by the principal contractor and advised to the groundwork’s supervisor, who will ensure that this and all other health and safety information is passed to persons under his control.

8.2 Minor first aid will be attended to on site. The site manager or groundwork supervisor will be nominated as the person responsible for Company first-aid and emergency procedures while on site. A deputy will be appointed if it is necessary for the nominated person to leave site during working hours.

8.3 A first aid kit will be kept in the site office or van.

8.4 Company employees will be instructed to report to the appointed person if they suffer any accident or injury whilst at work. The appointed person will in turn notify the principal contractor and carry out all necessary procedures in line with the health and safety at work regulations 1974, and the management of health and safety at works regulations 1992.

8.5 All reportable accidents and dangerous occurrences will be notified to head office.

9. Personal Protective Equipment

9.1 Operatives will wear safety headgear at all times except when in welfare accommodation.

9.2 Suitable safety footwear fitted with steel toe-protectors will be worn by all company personnel. Casual shoes and trainers will not be permitted ay any time when engaged in site work activities.

9.3 All personnel are required to wear high visibility clothing at all times. This clothing must be suitable for the working environment and prevailing weather conditions.

9.4 A supply of eye, hearing and respiratory protection and protective clothing will be made available for use where required and according to on site conditions. The wearing of PPE will be strictly monitored by the site manager or groundwork’s supervisor as part of his supervisory duties.

9.5 A supply of working at height protection equipment is available for such activities in accordance with the risk assessment document.

10. Road Works

10.1 Detailed procedures for working on public highways are contained in the company safety manual and will be adhered to at all times.

10.2 Signage for all but the most basic layouts will be attended to by specialist contractors who will be required to provide their own risk assessment, method statement and drawings prior to commencement on site.

10.3 The groundwork’s supervisor will ensure that he is in possession of the latest edition of “Safety at Street Works and Road Works”. He will follow the guidance contained therein at all times.

10.4 All road sign, barriers and cones will be regularly checked throughout the working day and any repairs carried out without delay. A final check will be carried out at the end of each shift and the results of that inspection recorded.

11. Overhead and Buried Services

11.1 An assessment will be made on each site to establish if there are overhead or buried services that may create a hazard to operatives.

11.2     Should buried services be present, the following system of work, detailed within the company safety manual, will be followed:

i) Obtain information from principal contractor.

ii) Consult available drawings and Utility Services to obtain information as to the approximate location of services and the feasibility of disconnecting them.

iii) Use cable detection tools (CAT) to obtain accurate information.

iv) Mark service locations at ground level.

v) Use hand-digging measures to expose live services.

Separate risk assessments/method statements will be prepared for operations of this nature which are considered by the manager/groundwork’s supervisor to contain special risks.

11.3     Should it become necessary to work near or under overhead lines, the following procedure will be adopted.

The Company will not use any plant with which it is possible to approach within 6 meters of any overhead cables mounted on steel pylons unless :

Any work directly under or adjacent to other electricity cables may be carried out whilst the lines are live, by using a 3-ton mini-digger with a maximum boom height that cannot approach to within 2.5 metres of the cables.

All work near overhead electric cables will be carried out after due consideration of the HSE Guidance Note GS6, a copy of which will be held by the manager/groundwork’s supervisor.

12. Excavation Works

12.1 All excavation work will be carried out according to the safe systems of work laid down in the Company Safety Policy.

12.2 Wherever reasonably practicable, the preferred method of ensuring safety in excavations will be by battering or benching.

12.3 Drag boxes or other proprietary support systems will be utilized where the methods considered in Para 13.2 are deemed unsuitable or insufficient.

12.4 A supply of other shoring materials will be available for instances where neither of the above methods for preventing collapses are suitable.

12.5 Ladders will be secured in convenient locations within all excavations where there is no other safe means of access/egress.

12.6 The Company will supply sufficient physical barriers for erection around excavations greater than 2 meters in depth. Excavations less than 2 meters in depth will be surrounded by bunting or other suitable material. The Company will be responsible for the erection and maintenance of these barriers.

12.7 Experienced banks men will be used to assist in the safe operation of plant where deemed necessary by supervisory personnel.

13. Other Work Activities

13.1 Company possesses written safe systems of work for all usual civil engineering and infrastructure groundwork activities. These systems will be available on site at all times.

13.2 Where a work activity is not covered or detailed in the safety manual, advice will be sought from head office or Safety Consultancy.

14. Documentation

14.1 Where required, certificates of inspection, examination and testing of plant and equipment will be made available for perusal.

14.2 Copies of operator licences are also available for inspection.

14.3 All necessary statutory instruments and notices will be made available by the principal contractor.

14.4 A copy of the company safety manual will be available on site. All work will follow the conditions laid down in the section entitled “Safe Systems of Work”.

14.5 The manager/groundwork’s supervisor will carry out daily inspections of all excavations and records the results in his site diary. Where required, records of weekly thorough examinations will be kept in the approved manner.

15. Alteration and Modification of Method Statement

15.1 Alterations and modifications to this Method Statement will be communicated to the principal contractor, all employees and any other person who may be affected by those changes.

15.2 No alterations or modifications to this Method Statement will be made without prior consultation with those affected.

16. Hygiene and Welfare Facilities

16.1 Hygiene and welfare facilities will be provided by the principal contractor, in accordance with the requirements of the Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996.

16.2 A complete set of set-up documents for welfare facilities will be submitted with this method statement.

16.3 Employees will be instructed to use these facilities in an appropriate manner.

17. Risk Assessment

17.1 Risk assessments will be carried out in accordance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Generic assessments (contained in the company safety manual) may be used as the basis for site specific assessments.

17.2 Generic assessments may be modified as appropriate by the Company in order to ensure that they are relevant to operations at any particular site. It is essential that assessments are carried out and all control measures put in place before the hazard arises.

17.3 A project risk assessment is appended to this method statement.

18. Communication and Co-operation

18.1 Prior to commencement on site, a meeting will be held and attended by all employees. The purpose of this meeting will be to ensure that all personnel are:

i). Site inducted

ii). aware of the contents of this project method statement and risk assessment

iii). aware of the tasks which have been allocated to them and capable of carrying them out safely

iv). aware of the activities and locations of their colleagues and other site contractors

18.2 Wherever practicable, work will be rotated so as to provide all employees with ongoing experience of all aspects of the work.

18.3 The acting site manager or groundwork’s supervisor will attempt at all times to maintain close liaison between Company, the principal contractor and any other site contractors. He will always endeavor not to obstruct or delay other site activities, but only where this can be achieved without compromising health and safety standards.

19. Declaration

This method statement is signed by a responsible representative of Company, who agrees on behalf of the Company to comply with all requirements of health and safety law, the entire contents of this method statement, controls detailed in the risk assessment carried out for this project and any instructions given by the principal contractor or appointed safety advisers.

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