Hydroseeding Mix Application Method Statement

This procedure is prepared to define and establish the method statement of Hydroseeding Mix application.

Project manager is responsible to ensure that method statement comply with client requirements and its submission and approval as well.

Construction manager is responsible to monitor implementation of this method statement and ensure the works are carried out as per project requirements. Also to coordinate with consultant for any inspection and testing etc.

Below is list of necessary materials and tools for hydroseeding mix application.

  • Water
  • Mulch
  • Soil Tackifier
  • Grass Seeds
  • Fertilizer
  • Excavator
  • Hand Scoop

Preparatory Works

The contractor will fill up request for inspection form, calculate or measure the quantity to install in accordance with the construction drawings.

Contractor shall advise the delivery schedule for required materials and plan the unloading and storage at the designated unloading location.


Pump water to hydro seeder to 3/4 level.

Free the gear and start engine.Hydroseeding Mix Application Method Statement

Put the mulch inside ( if paper mulch is used 15 to 20 kg dry weight is recommended).

Next add 30kg soil tackifier R1187.

Put in 8-10 kg grass seeds, you may add millet if you wish for fast establishment of greens / vegetation.

Add one bag (40-50kg) of Bio Super 1 Fertilizer with the mixture.

Method of Application

Before engaging the gear; the person who will do the spraying must hold tight the nozzle and have firm footing on stable ground as he will expect a strong back-kick the moment the slurry shoots out of the nozzle.

Do not shoot the slurry directly to the soil surface. Instead; it should be done in the form of raindrops in a uniform pattern.

Ensure even coverage of slurry on soil surface.

One machine load with proper application can cover approximately 700 to 800 square meter area.

Watering also in the form of raindrops, on the hydroseeded area can start immediately the next day and must be continued daily in the initial stage to ensure speedy germination and growth. Light watering will not help much due to hot climatic conditions.

Therefore; sufficient and proper watering must be done ensuring water seep into the soil yet avoiding overflow of water on the soil surface.

NOTE: Hydroseeding shall never be applied during, before or immediately following rainfall. Avoid application in high winds. Machines and tools should be flushed and clean with water immediately after use. All moving parts should be oiled and greased regularly.

Related Records

Lab records

Request for Inspection

Quality Checklist

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