Method Statement For Installation Of Hardscape Works

The following equipment and tools shall be provided with the necessary numbers to suit the numbers of skilled fixers:

  • Leveling Instruments
  • Masonry Tools
  • Brushes
  • Rubber Mallets
  • Spirit Levels
  • Spatulas
  • Aluminum Straight Edge
  • Measurement Tapes
  • Stone Cutting Machine/Power Saw
  • Plumb Line and Plastic Strings
  • Steel Hammers
  • Masking Tapes, etc. as required

Method Statement For Hardscape Works:

Execution of Hard scape and paving Works shall be completed as per details, pattern & design shown on the approved shop drawings and manufacturer’s recommendations. The visual appearance shall be consistence throughout. Hard scape / paving material shall be free from all defects like vents, cracks, fissures, discoloration or other defects deleterious to strength, durability or appearance.

All other works and disciplines shall be confirmed and coordinated before and during the commencement of the activity.

The manhole covers, coming in the finishing area (i.e. granite or precast pavers) shall be used recessed type and same surrounding finish shall be maintained.


  • All material shall be carefully delivered, stored and handled in a way protected from breakage, staining and other damages.
  • The materials shall be stored above ground and protected from soiling.


  • Mock-up shall be prepared in a size and location as required by the Consultant.
  • Mock-up shall be executed for stone color, pattern, aesthetic qualities and workmanship.
  • Approved Mock-up shall serve as a standard for variation of colors, texture and workmanship.
  • Mock-up shall be assembled to stimulate final conditions, indicating all joint/connection & other details.
  • The sample panel shall retain unaltered throughout the entire period of installation and may be incorporated into finished work.


Adjusting the Utility Covers:

  • It shall be ensured that sleeves, lines or other installations that need to be installed prior to finish Hard scape/Paving are completed and marked.
  • The levels of any existing or proposed utility/service covers shall be adjusted in compliance with proposed Hard scape/Paving levels.

Laying of Sub Base:

  • The sub base material shall be laid to the depth indicated in the shop drawing.
  • Sufficient cross fall / slope shall be provided while preparing the sub-grade or as mentioned in the approved shop drawing.
  • The sub-grade and Sub Base shall be compacted to a 95% dry density unless otherwise specified.

Laying of Screed:

  • Concrete foundation / screed shall be laid for Hard scape as per details shown in the approved shop drawings and specifications if applicable.
  • All Hard scape bedded on mortar shall be kept free from pedestrian and vehicular traffic for minimum 4 days as per project specifications.

Edging stone / Edge Restraints & Paved Borders:

  • The area shall be restrained by providing edge stone / Hard scape / paving border for the locations as shown in the approved drawings.
  • Edge stones shall be laid in advance of laying all obstacles within the area to be constructed to finished levels.
  • Concrete haunch shall be poured behind the edge stone as per approved shop drawing.

Sand Bedding:

  • Minimum 50 mm thick or as per approved shop drawing, sand bedding shall be provided.
  • The profile of finish sand layer shall be similar to the finished surface.


  • Granite Paving:
  • The type, size, location, color and finish shall be as per approved shop drawing and finishing schedule as per specifications.
  • Pre approval shall be obtained by the CONSULTANT by providing different sample tiles including copings and sandstone bands prior to start the execution.
  • The Granite Hard scape / Paving material shall comply with project specifications.
  • All stones shall be free from vents, cracks, fissures, discoloration or other defects which may adversely affect strength, durability or appearance.
  • Granite shall be consistently colored.
  • Thoroughly seasoned and dressed before delivery to site in accordance with shop drawings and finishing schedule.

Precast Concrete Paving Blocks & Slabs:

  • The type, size, location, color and finish of precast concrete Paving/Hard scape blocks shall be as per approved shop drawings and specifications.
  • All the materials shall be approved prior to start the work.
  • Manufacturer’s test certificates shall be provided to satisfy the project requirements.
  • Precast Paving/Hard scape blocks shall be smooth texture finish, square from faces and comply with concrete specifications.
  • All pavers shall have a uniform dimension with a length and width tolerance not exceeding 2mm and a thickness tolerance not exceeding 3mm.
  • Manufacturer’s literature and installation recommendations shall be provided to CONSULTANT before proceeding.
  • It will be ensured that delivered pavers in site are complete with original manufacturer’s details.

Gravels, Pebbles & Boulders:

  • The Gravel, Pebbles, Boulders sizes, textures, colors and finishes shall be as per shop drawings.
  • All the samples showing true color (washed, clean material) and grades shall be submitted to CONSULTANT for approval prior to start.
  • The stones shall match with approved sample. All boulders, pebbles, gravels shall conform to the sizes indicated on the drawings.
  • The stones shall be clean, washed, without any fine material, free from salts, organic material or other deleterious substances.


  • Dry Set Paving:
  • Providing and laying of Paving/Hard scape blocks and expansion joints shall be according to pattern shown on the approved shop drawings.
  • Ensure that the surface of the sand is at the correct level to allow the blocks to be vibrated down to match the finished grade.
  • Laying of the new blocks should not to disturb those already laid.
  • Each block shall be placed firmly against the adjacent block or so that the joint is a maximum 3mm.
  • Where blocks do not fit at the edge, restraints or other obstructions such as manholes or up stands etc. the gaps shall be filled by cut blocks.
  • Blocks shall be cut using a saw with a diamond blade immersed in water.
  • Dimensional accuracy, uniformity of joint gaps, alignment and squareness will be checked by the CONSULTANT after at regular intervals.
  • If joints begin to open the Paving/Hard scape shall be knocked together by using a hard rubber mallet.
  • No damaged or soiled blocks shall be laid.
  • The fine sand shall be swept into joints.
  • The paving/Hard scape blocks shall be vibrated by running passes with the vibrator in each direction, as the sand settles in joints and will be repeated if necessary.
  • The top surface shall be cleaned by sweeping the excess sand with a stiff broom.
  • The surface shall be sprayed with water.

hardscaping Method of Statement

Wet Set Paving:

  • It will be ensured that concrete is adequately dry before setting Paving/Hard scape materials.
  • Concrete sub base shall be cleaned to remove any dirt, dust, debris and loose particles.
  • Edgings and quadrant shall be laid and bedded on a 1:3 cement/sand mortar bed not less than 10mm in depth.
  • The sub-base shall be saturated with clean water before placing the setting bed.
  • The mortar (setting bed) shall be spread at locations and depths according to shop drawings.
  • Ensure that the mortar has spread to the required depth so that blocks will set at the proper finished elevation.
  • Only that amount of mortar shall be mixed and placed that can be covered with blocks prior to initial set.
  • The blocks shall be cured and wetted thoroughly before laying.
  • All the blocks shall be provided and laid in pattern shown on approved shop drawings.
  • The grout joint shall not larger than 6mm.
  • Uniform thick cement slurry shall be provided as a bonding coat to mortar bed or back of stone with a flat trowel just prior to placing pavers on wet setting bed.
  • Tap pavers into place with heavy rubber mallet to obtain full adhesion with setting bed.
  • Do not disturb pavers after setting.
  • Application of moisture shall be done to dampened surface and freshly spread grout joints to finished work or as recommended by manufacturer and specifications.
  • The joints shall be grouted as soon as possible after initial set of setting bed.
  • The adjoining exposed surface shall be cleaned immediately right after grouting.
  • The curing of grouting shall be done as per manufacturer’s recommendations or as per project specifications.
  • All type of vehicular or foot traffic shall be prohibited on Paving/Hard scape and steps during setting or within 24 hours after initial grouting of joints.
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