Method Statement for Screeds/Topping Operation Above Water Proofing in Toilet, Roof Slab and Raft Slab

The purpose of this procedure is to define how screeds/toppings shall be carried out under controlled condition.

This method statement covers the detailed procedure to be followed for screeds/topping operation above water proofing in toilet, roof slab and raft slab.

Method statement also covers the Screeding operation below tiling works in concrete slabs wherever necessary.

This procedure shall be read in conjunction with contract specification for Screeding works wherever applicable.


  • Contract specification
  • Contract Drawings
  • Approved shop drawings
  • Material approval
  • Project Quality Plan


QA/QC– Quality Assurance and Quality Control

ITP-Inspection and Test Plan

IR-Inspection Request

Engineer-Stanley Consultant’s Representative


Project Director/Construction Manager:

Project Director/Construction Manager is responsible for the implementation of all civil method statements.

The Project Director/Construction Manager shall ensure that the key personnel are well aware of the Specification and Method Statement.

Project Director/Construction Manager shall ensure that all resources like Manpower, Material and Equipment are available to carry out the work as planned and without any delay or confusions.

Project Engineer:

The Project Engineer is responsible to carry out the work as per the Method Statement, Specification and Approved Drawings.

Project Engineer shall ensure that the resources are available to carry out the works as scheduled.

The Project Engineer shall be available at site full time for the execution of works as per schedule and specification.

QA/QC Engineer:

The QA/QC Engineer is responsible for the effective monitoring, implementation & documentation of QA/QC Procedures.

QA/QC Engineer shall ensure the implementation of checklists ITP and Method Statements.

The QA/QC Engineer shall ensure that all the approvals are available for the safe movements of works.

Foreman: The Foreman is responsible to carry out the work as per the Method Statement, Specification and Approved Drawings. Foreman shall be available at site full time for the execution of works.


The Surveyor shall ensure that all the survey related works carried out as per the approved drawings.

Surveyor shall ensure that setting out and level carried out with theodolite, Total station and dumpy level.

For all survey related items he shall be available at site full time.

Safety Officer:

Safety Officer is responsible for the effective implementation of safety procedures.

He shall ensure that all safety precaution is in place, and personnel on site are using the required protective equipment.

Safety Officer shall conduct tool box meeting before the execution of works.

The Safety officer shall be available at site full time for the execution of works.

Manpower requirements such as Project manager, Project Engineer, Foreman, Surveyor, skilled labor and helper will be available depending upon the site requirements.

 Necessary Tools and Equipment

  • Air compressor
  • Brush
  • Concrete Pump
  • Trowel ,Tamper
  • Shovel, Hand float, vibrating beam, power float

Method and Sequence of Work for Screeding Works

All the related documents such as method statements, mix proportion etc. must be approved and available upon request.

Free water shall be removed from the sub floor.

Check that the Mechanical and Electrical services under screed has been completed and protected as per the drawing/specification.

Curing arrangement shall be done as per the requirements.

For the screed works below raft slabs ensure the maintenance of dewatering system (if it is required.)

Ensure water proofing as per the approved method and materials only.

Screeding Procedure

Screed shall be laid with minimum 50 mm thickness.

Level guides shall be installed at proper intervals.

The surface of the sub-floor shall be thoroughly cleaned and prepared to ensure a good bond.

Clean and dry the surface prior to screeds application.

Mix materials thoroughly to a uniform consistency and use while sufficiently plastic for full compaction.

For the screed above the water proofing it will be spread and compacted carefully without any damage to membrane.

Dense screeds and toppings shall be fully compacted by vibrating beam, pan vibrator or hand as per the site condition.

In screeds over expansion joints in base, the joints shall be filled with bitumen impregnated board joint filler placed to full depth and finished flush with surface.

After completion of casting, enough number of workers must be available for the finishing works, cleaning and protection.

Curing of Screed

As soon as the screeds/toppings have set it shall be covered with polythene sheeting and kept in position for required number of days as suggested by the consultant/client engineer.

Surface hardener and sealer shall be applied if needed as per the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Quality and HSE Requirements

All material control and screeds/toppings activities shall be controlled as per the approved Project Quality Plan and Quality Control Procedure.

Work places will be cleaned from waste materials and ensuring clean and healthy work environment as well as maintain free access and egress in the event of emergency.

All works shall be controlled as per the Safety procedures, necessary PPE will be worn at all times.

Safety procedures are to be considered before, through and after the completion of the work to avoid any possibility of danger to humans or structures.

Checklist For Screed Pouring Inspections:






Check that mixing equipment is at site

Check  that the area to be screed  is clear and proper access is available

Check that the approved setting layout and level.

Check surface preparation in the  are  before pouring.

To check  the  temperature of the screed upon completion of pouring.











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