Responsibilities of Technical Engineering Department of Construction Company

Below is brief job description of technical department in order to achieve best quality results and complying the customer requirements.

Raise suggestions to improve the system of working within the project and the company and follow the relevant management system procedures.

Follow the Technical engineers hand book Standard operating procedures and checklists

Receive all the contract documents i.e.

  • Contract
  • Conditions of contract.
  • Post contract correspondences which are part of contract.
  • Specifications
  • Contract Drawings
  • BOQ
  • Value Engineering

Ensure that the Contract drawings and the further drawings like Building Permit drawings, issued-for-construction (IFC) issued by the consultant/engineer are properly and systematically logged by the project document controller.

IFC Drawings and documents

Review the IFC documents (Contract, specification, Drawings, BOQ) to list out the subcontractors, materials, shop drawings and method statements required for the project and liaison with the project manager and the project head office to procure the sub-contractors and the materials.

Review all submittals returned for cost impact, time impact or both cost and time impact.

Put the necessary stamp on the shop drawing right hand side bottom corner and on the cover page for the other submittals.

Add a brief reason for the cost or time impact.

Return to document controller the cover page with stamp and comments.

Document controller to enter the relevant information on the submittal logs.

Communication Responsibilities

Communicate the Technical requirements of the project to the following as applicable:

  • Project Director/ Project Manager,
  • Technical department staff consisting of Structural engineer, Architect, Draughtsman,
  • LEED Compliance officers,
  • Construction manager and all other project staff.

Attend progress, technical and other related meetings as required with Client, Consultant, subcontractors and internal staff.

Prepare minutes of meeting and transmit/ circulate as required.

Send IOM to purchase department for the list of subcontractor required for the project and details for the direct purchase materials.

Control Of Documents

Logs of Pre-qualification, Method statement, Shop drawings, Calculation etc.

Create, update logs of submittals (Pre-qualification, material, Method statement, Calculation etc.)

Follow up with consultant document controller for over-due submittals on daily and weekly basis.

Generate and submit reports for:

  • Summary of submittals
  • Over-Due submittal with consultant
  • Submittals closed in the previous week
  • Send the above reports to planning engineer for the monthly, weekly progress reports on a recurring basis.

Engineering Responsibilities

Review the discrepancies detected between contract documents V/s IFC documents, IFC Drawings v/s Specification and IFC drawings of various trades by technical department staff.

Discus internally and decide the action required and action on the discrepancies through RFI if required.

Ensure that the Reply to RFI is reviewed by the Main Contractor’s Structural Engineer/ Architect/ Design Coordinators and notify the contracts department in case of cost or time extension requirement. Ensure the preparation of summary of changes, whenever the drawings are revised by the consultants and forward the same to the contracts department.

Ensure the review and ensure the approval of the following submittals of Civil, Architectural, Structural items of works by the project consultant with respect to the project requirements.

  • Prequalification Submittals (PQF)
  • Material submittals (MAT)
  • Shop Drawings (SPD)
  • Methods statement (MET)
  • As-Built-Drawings (ABD)
  • Leadership in Environment and energy Design (LEED) mreports

Review the comments on the submittals by the consultant and notify the contracts department in case of cost or time extension requirement.

Review the logs for the submittal and report the delayed and the critical items.

Coordinate the details between the various subcontractors for smooth execution of the works.

Preparation of Schedules

Prepare the following schedules

  • Room Finishes Schedule
  • Door Schedule
  • Ironmongery Schedule
  • Sanitary ware Schedule

General procedure for the schedule

a) Prepare finishes schedule based on IFC drawings.

b) Review for discrepancies and raise RFI if required

c) Update the schedule based on reply to RFI and submit for consultant approval in a book form (Refer

d) Update Schedule based on actual material submittal

e) Update the Schedule based on any revised drawings issued by the consultant

f) Keep issuing hard copy revised schedule to site at least one a month.

g) Update continuously on the network drive the schedules.

Project Handing Over

Prepare the handing over documents of Civil, Architecture, Structural items and coordinate with the MEP and other sub-contractors for

  • As Built Drawings
  • O & M manuals
  • Warrantees and Guarantees


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