Required Tools for installation of Aluminum Glazed Windows, Doors & Louvers:
- Hand Tools
- Drill Machine
- Glass suckers
- Sealant applicator
- Cutting saw
- Lifting belt
- Cradle/Scaffolds
- Tower/Mobile Crane
- Ensure all opening are as per the approved shop drawings.
- Cleaning of the dust on masonry opening of doors & windows with the brush or cloth.
- Opening shall be ensured prior to installation to match Aluminum schedule.
- Verify site dimensions prior to start of fabrication.
- Frames shall be aligned plumb and square in the openings by use of plumb, spirit level and PVC Shims.
- All units shall be installed from inside according to relevant approved shop drawings.
- The frame shall be installed first, by using fixing screws according to approved shop drawings, screw type, material and length as per approved MIR
- Even margin between frame and wall finishing to be maintained according to approved shop drawings using correct shims in place.
- Frames shall be rigidly anchored by use of stainless steel screws and Nylon fisher plug as per approved MIR.
- Once the frame is checked for correct alignment, plumb, and square, all fixing screws will be tightened properly.
- All fastenings and anchors shall be concealed unless otherwise directed by consultant/client.
- Any construction mark to the finished frames shall be rectified as per the Engineer’s approval.
- Glazing process is done in following manners:-
- Glazing is secured by a bead and gasket system.
- Inserting the glass setting block, ensuring that it is placed in correct locations.
- Cleaning the glass unit thoroughly.
- Fix the outer gasket vertical and horizontal.
- Corners of gasket at joints will be sealed with sealant as approved.
- Inserting the glass unit into the aperture and set properly onto the setting blocks.
- Fixing the glazing beads at top and bottom of the shutter.
- Fixing the side glazing beads (in both the cases ensure that the bead retention clips are located in the place).
- Inserting the internal wedge gasket.
- Clean off all marks form glass and leaving the glass cleans.
- Application of silicone sealant around the window perimeter according to approved color and location.
Installation of the hinged door and window leaves on the frames already erected on site shall be as follow:
- Doors and windows panels shall be delivered to the site fully glazed including hinges, locks etc.
- Place the door and window panels in the respective frames & hinges.
- Fix the handles, locks.
- Align the striking plate on the frame matching to locks of doors & windows.
- Adjust the door and window panels for a tight fit, weather tight closure and for smooth operation.
- Keys for Aluminum doors, 3 keys for each door lock cylinder & master keys shall be provided.
- Key shall be handed over with a plastic tag labeling door type & location on it.
Application of silicone sealant at the projects between Aluminum frames and wall:
- Clear joints and surfaces free from grease, dust or other contaminates by using brush and cloth.
- Application of approved silicone sealant will be done with the help of gun.
- Tooling all sealant surfaces to produce smooth surfaces.
- Droppings and excess sealant will be tooled as work progress and before material sets.
- Sealing of joints will commence prior to painting of surfaces in coordination with main contractor.
- Masking tape will be used where necessary to prevent contamination of adjacent surfaces.
- Tape will be removed immediately after completion of the joint.
Laboratory tests shall be conducted and submitted on request as per specifications.
- Installed work will be kept clean as work progresses.
- Frame surfaces will be cleaned promptly after installation, using cleaning methods recommended by frame manufacturer.
- Remove and replace frames with damaged finish that cannot be satisfactorily repaired at site or satisfied quality.
- The major surfaces of all metal work have low tac tape applied at the factory. This remains in place until such time as the glass has been installed and all sealing applied. At the time of removal the facade will be cleaned and offered for handover inspection.
- Splashing of slurry liquid which will adhere to the surface of glass should be avoided. Protection from damage or deterioration will be done until time of substantial completion.