Method Statement Template for Construction of Temporary Causeway & Jetty

Table of Contents

1.0      Introduction

2.0      Purpose and Scope

3.0      Document Control

4.0      Reference Documents

5.0      Definitions, Terms and Abbreviations

6.0      Responsibility

7.0      Materials and Equipment

8.0      Resources

9.0      Methodology / Procedure

10.0    Permit

11.0    Quality Control

12.0    Health, Safety and Environment

1. Introduction

A temporary Jetty shall be built at the project to facilitate berthing of barges for loading/unloading of construction materials and equipment. The main elements of the temporary jetty are consisted of an access causeway and prefabricated jetty structure that shall be installed at the seaward end and lee side of the causeway.

2. Purpose and Scope

This method statement describes the techniques and methods to be implemented and the resources to be utilized for construction of Temporary Jetty to facilitate loading/unloading of materials and equipment from/ on to vessels.

The scope of works comprises the following separate operations:

  • Mobilization of main and auxiliary equipment and personnel
  • Construction of access causeway
  • Mobilization of the prefabricated temporary Jetty to site
  • Installation of the temporary jetty
  • Rock filling inside and around the temporary jetty
  • Decommissioning of temporary jetty

3. Document Control

  • The document governing the preparation, registration, approval, distribution and amendment / revision of this method statement will be according to requirement
  • The requirements for document numbering are addressed in the project specific document control procedure
  • This method statement is a controlled document, and will be distributed as such to those detailed on the Internal parties maintained by the Document Controller, while external distribution will be via the Secretary.

4. Reference Documents

The following documents define the requirements to be employed to demonstrate compliance of the works defined in this method Statement:


Reference Title


Reference Title


5. Definitions, Terms and Abbreviations

  • LAT Lowest Astronomical Tide (-0.03m)
  • HAT Highest Astronomical Tide (+1.92m)
  • MSL Mean Sea Level (+0.96m)
  • LCD Local Chart datum (0.00m)

6. Responsibility

  • The Project Manager is responsible for appoint site supervisory personnel to organize, coordinate, and oversee the execution of the work detailed in this method statement.
  • The Construction Manager is responsible for the organization and coordination of the entire work detailed in this method statement.
  • The Marine work section engineer is responsible for the execution of the works detailed in this method statement. He will be responsible for instructing the Foremen / Superintendent about the requirements of the contract, including all restrictions, safety regulations, scope of work and time schedule. In addition, he will be responsible for related logistic matters and all matters related to HSE and the quality of the works.
  • The Superintendent/Foreman is responsible for the day-to-day implementation and supervision of the works detailed in this method statement.
  • Assigned HSE staff is responsible to assist the construction team to develop safe methods of working and to monitor implementation of the controls as required.

7. Materials and Equipment


The main items of materials to be utilized for construction of temporary jetty and causeway (embankment) are as follow:

  • Rock fill size 1- 300 kg as core of access causeway
  • Rock size 300-3000 kg as armor layer of access causeway
  • Prefabricated temporary jetty platform

Note: Drawings and detailed design report for prefabricated temporary jetty are added in attachments. It is intended that materials produced from excavation as part of permanent works shall be utilized for construction of the access causeway.


All equipment to be deployed for construction of access causeway and installation of temporary jetty will be well maintained and in good working condition. The lifting equipment will be third party certified and in compliance with the project’s HSE requirements.

The main items of permanent equipment are as follow;

  • Land based equipment:
  • Marine equipment:

8. Resources


Land Based Equipment No.


Floating Equipment No.


Auxiliary Equipment No.

Personnel / Workforce:

Description No.

9. Methodology / Procedure

The intended location of the temporary jetty is towards east of new quay wall and as shown in figure (1).To achieve the required water depth at location of temporary jetty, it is necessary to make access causeway to an extent where sea bed level is (-3.50m LCD). At the offshore end of the causeway, prefabricated jetty will be installed.

Construction of temporary jetty involves following two major activities

  • Construction of access causeway
  • Installation of temporary platform jetty

Construction of access causeway

Construction of access causeway will commence from the shore line and proceed towards sea following the route shown in drawing.

Crest level of the causeway shall be maintained at El +2.8m LCD as shown in embankment design report, see attachment (C).

Sequence of activities to carry out construction of access causeway is the follow:

Set out reference BM and lines for the causeway plan using the conventional surveying instruments, the BM will be set out in reference to provided main control point.

Start dumping of core rock fill material directly from the delivery trucks/trailers and proceed from shoreline towards the sea with the guidance of survey lines.

The bulldozer will push the dumped material to attain the required level.

Continue dumping and pushing of the material until to achieve the required level.

Trim the side slopes of the cause way till matching the required stable slopes.

Crawler excavator shall adjust the slope as per the drawings,

A layer of rock armour size (300-3000) kg, as per the detailed sections, will be placed at the side slopes to prevent any possible scouring of the cause way.

A layer, 100mm thick, of fine material sand/gravel will be provided as top wearing surface of causeway to have a smooth access for trucks and vehicles.

The material will be transported to the site by tippers and spread by using wheel loader. Top wearing surface will be rolled using vibratory rollers.

It is noted that the causeway is a temporary structure and shall be constructed to serve for a period of about 2 years.

It shall be maintained regularly throughout the course of the project. Particular attention will be paid following any severe weather condition and the appropriate maintenance shall be carried out as required. During severe weather conditions, activities on the temporary jetty will be seized and access to causeway will be closed.

Installation of temporary jetty

Temporary jetty will be installed at the head of the access causeway. Prefabricated temporary jetty will be transported to the site by sea and installed at position in accordance with drawing by using floating crane.

Preparatory Works

Prior to commencement for installation of the jetty, following preparatory works will be completed.

Mobilization of prefabricated temporary jetty to the site.

Temporary jetty will be installed at the offshore end of the temporary causeway for logistics of the materials.

Survey of the area for marking location and levels using conventional survey instruments by the surveyor.

At location of the temporary jetty, trimming and grading of the causeway to the required profile which will provide the appropriate seat for the temporary jetty to rest at it, as shown in figure.

Installation Sequence of jetty

Sequence of activities for installation of the prefabricated temporary jetty is as follow:

i) Position the floating crane near to the location of the temporary jetty with the help of the surveyor using total station and prism.

ii) Toe the deck barge carrying the prefabricated jetty by tug boat and moor it along side of the floating crane, see figure.

iii)   Fix lifting tackles to the lifting eyes of the temporary jetty and be ready for hoisting, approved lifting plan shall be on board prior to commence the operation.

iv) Hoist the temporary jetty by using the floating crane under supervision of lifting supervisor and banks men. Workers will control the movement of the load using guide ropes by following instructions of the lifting supervisor, see figure.

v) Place the temporary jetty in position and verify lines and levels. Detach lifting tackles if it satisfactory or adjust it otherwise, see figure (6).

vi) Fill quarry run material inside the temporary jetty by using wheel loader and excavator. The material will be transported to the site by dump trucks. The material will be filled up to the required level and graded as per profile. The wearing surface (top surface) of the access to the jetty will be smoothed by laying a 100 mm thick layer of fine material at its top.

vii) Place rock armor at sides of the temporary jetty using the excavator.

viii) Install marine furniture like rubber tire fenders and bollards to the temporary jetty.   Now the jetty is ready for use.

Removal / Decommissioning of temporary jetty

Once project main activities are completed the temporary jetty will be removed.

Removal of temporary jetty will be started from the head of the access causeway by excavating the backfilled materials inside and around the prefabricated temporary jetty making it free from all directions, ready for lifting by floating crane and loading onto a deck barge by the reverse sequence of installation.

Removing of armor rock and core material will take placed by the use of excavator and dump trucks. All removed material will be dumped / placed similar to the surplus excavated material.    

10. Work Permit

Necessary work permits for marine equipment and construction activities will be obtained prior to commencement of the work.

11. Quality Control

This is a temporary work and no record will be generated in this regard. However, any defect or damage found during course of the project shall be rectified and the temporary causeway/jetty will be well maintained to serve the purpose efficiently.

12.0 Health, Safety and Environmental

General Policy

The significant safety hazards have been identified and analyzed in accordance with the applicable HSE legal and contractual requirements as well as with the Project and the Construction Environmental Management Plan.

Health, Safety and Environmental Hazards

AS required by the Project HSE Plan, the significant HSE hazards of this work have been analyzed in accordance with the general procedure Hazard Analysis and Environmental Impact Assessment and are listed below.

  • Tripping hazards
  • Manual handling/ handling of hazardous materials
  • Slip, trips and falls
  • Traffic accident
  • Trapping injuries
  • Hand injuries
  • Defective plant and equipment
  • Falling materials
  • Lifting operation
  • Heavy earth moving equipment
  • Oil spillage and sea water contamination
  • Noise
  • Dust Generation
  • Sediment re-suspension
  • Waste Generation
  • Marine safety

Controls will be implemented to minimize these hazards as set out in the HSE risk assessment, see Attachment (A).

 Protective and Safety Equipment

The Protective & Safety Equipment shall be in accordance with the specifications and the requirements of the contract.

All personnel will be handed out these items during their site induction.

  • Helmets
  • Safety glasses
  • Safety shoes
  • Work gloves
  • High visibility vests or Life Jackets

Emergency Procedures

In case of emergency situations, everybody should follow The Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan.

In case of any spill, the Spill Response Plan shall be implemented.

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