Construction Project Site Field Testing Procedures

As required by the contract specifications, the contractor shall establish a test program to ensure that all required testing is properly identified, planned, documented and performed under controlled and suitable environmental conditions, including cleanliness.

Such test procedures shall incorporate or reference the requirements as contained in the contract technical specifications, codes, and industry standards. As per the quality control program QCP, the contractor shall submit the test procedures to client for review and acceptance prior to their implementation.

The contractor shall be responsible for establishing a system of daily test reports that will record all QC test results. Test results from each day’s work period shall be submitted to client/consultant prior to the start of the next day’s work period.

When required by the technical specifications, the contractor shall maintain statistical QC charts. The contractor’s responsible technician and the QCM shall sign the daily test reports. Client’s QA Staff will review test results on a daily basis and identify any non-conforming test results for discussion with the contractor regarding potential corrective action.

Field Testing Procedures

The Contractor will conduct field-testing to verify that control measures are adequate to provide a product that conforms to contract requirements.Construction Project Site Field Testing Procedures

Field testing will be conducted under the auspices of the quality control manager QCM and he or his designee shall:

  • Arrange for, or conduct, field testing in accordance with applicable test parameters
  • Verify that facilities and testing equipment are available and comply with testing standards
  • Check test equipment calibration data against certified standards.
  • Verify that all tests are documented as per project documentation procedure and submitted as part of quality control system reporting.
  • Review all test documentation prior to submittal.

Test Schedules

Contractor shall follow the following test schedules for major materials and works in the project:

Qualification Test of Aggregate Materials



Test Method Minimum QC

Testing Frequency

by Contractor

Acceptance Criteria

(verified by QA)

Coarse  Aggregate
Grain-size distribution ASTM D422

or C136

1 stock pile and change of source In accordance with ASTM D422 or C136
Moisture Content ASTM D2974 1 stock pile and change of source As reported for establishing the range of optimum moisture content


ASTM D1557 1 stock pile and change of source As reported for establishing the range of optimum compaction
Fine Aggregate
Grain-size distribution ASTM D422

or C136

1 stock pile and change of source In accordance with ASTM D422 or C136
Moisture Content ASTM D2974 1 stock pile and change of source As reported for establishing the range of optimum moisture content


ASTM D1557 1 stock pile and change of source As reported for establishing the range of optimum compaction

Qualification Test Schedule of Stone Aggregate Materials

Test Parameter Test Method Minimum QC

Testing Frequency

by Contractor

Acceptance Criteria

(verified by QA)

Sieve Analysis ASTM C136; C33 Prior to use in concrete mix and whenever character or source is changed Max coarse aggregate size of No. 57 or 67 gradation per ASTM C33. Fine aggregate shall pass No. 4 sieve, gradation to conform with ASTM C33
Organic Impurities ASTM C40 Prior to use in concrete mix and whenever character or source is changed Fine aggregate not darker than reference standard color per ASTM C40. Sand exhibiting a color darker than the referenced color shall be rejected.
Soundness ASTM C33 Prior to use in concrete mix and whenever character or source is changed Loss resulting after 5 cycles not to exceed 8% for coarse aggregate or 10% for fine aggregate when using sodium sulfate solution or 11% for coarse aggregate or 14% for fine aggregate when using magnesium sulfate per ASTM C33
Abrasion ASTM C131 Prior to use in concrete mix and whenever character or source is changed Loss not to exceed 10.5% after 100 revolutions, 42% after 500 revolutions
Deleterious Materials ASTM C33 Prior to use in concrete mix and whenever character or source is changed In accordance with tables in ASTM C33
Material Finer than 200 Sieve ASTM C117 Prior to use in concrete mix and whenever character or source is changed Not to exceed 1% for gravel or 1.5% for crushed aggregate per ASTM C33


Test Parameter Test Method Minimum QC

Testing Frequency

by Contractor

Acceptance Criteria

(verified by QA)

Chemical & Physical


ASTM C150 Once for the brand In accordance with tables in ASTM C150


Test Parameter Test Method Minimum QC

Testing Frequency

by Contractor

Acceptance Criteria

(verified by QA)

Load Test ASTM D1143 Prior to driving

production piles

A compressive load of  300% of design load shall be applied to each compressive load test pile
Test Parameter Test Method Minimum QC

Testing Frequency

by Contractor

Acceptance Criteria

(verified by QA)

Compressive Strength ASTM C39 1 per each day’s placing; test at 7 and 28 days Min 3600 psi
Slump Test ASTM C143 When compression

test cylinders are cast

In accordance with ASTM

C143. Slump values:

Reinforced concrete general: 4” (100mm), Non-reinforced

Concrete 3” (75mm) Pavement,

sidewalk 3” (75mm),

Slab on grade 3” (75mm) and Floor toppings 2” (50mm)

Water Cement Ratio Preliminary testing of mix design Limit to   0.52

 QA Testing

The Contractor understands that QA Staff will be responsible for the Quality Assurance; they will carry out QA materials sampling and testing program.

Contractor shall extend full cooperation to the client in carrying out QA inspection and tests. QA testing is provided for the verification of the adequacy and effectiveness of the contractor’s QC testing. QA testing performed by Client’s QA staff and is independent of and in addition to QC testing performed by contractors.

QA testing may be performed on a pre-established schedule or as directed by Client. Quality assurance testing will be performed by or under supervision of the QA staff to validate the contractor’s QC sampling and testing.

When QA and QC test results do not compare or have wide variances, additional testing may be needed to validate the results.  The need for QA testing shall be based on the following considerations:

  • Importance of the item as to its reliability, etc;
  • Need to perform quality checks for fabrication sequences not available for inspection at completion; and
  • Deficiencies are discovered.

QA testing shall be performed in accordance with the following:

The QA staff shall develop a weekly quality test and inspection schedule using the construction activity forecast as a guide. The schedule shall:

− Identify the QA test activities.

− Identify the hold points

The contractor shall be provided a one-day advance notice of impending hold points.

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