Quality Manager Job Description

Below is brief description of quality manager job description for an organization. This page covers mainly contractor quality control manager responsibilities.

The Quality Control Manager will report directly to the On-site Project Manager with matters concerning quality control. He will have both the authority and the duty to halt any operation
appearing to be out of compliance with contract specifications.

The quality manager is responsible for keeping and maintaining all records related to personnel, supplies, equipment use, and equipment calibration and sampling. His function will be to ensure
compliance with the contract plans and specifications.

QA/QC Manager responsibilities include:

Performing and documenting field inspections.

Preparing daily Quality Control Reports.

Scheduling, reviewing, certifying, and managing project submittals.

Maintaining the Submittal Register.

Providing coordination of required quality control testing, reviewing results, and submitting.

Coordinating, documenting, and tracking preparatory, initial, and follow-up inspections.

Tracking construction deficiencies and ensuring timely corrective action.

Coordinating field sampling activities (as required).

Reviewing calibration of test equipment (as necessary).

Preparing addenda to the project quality plan as necessary when additional phases of work are added.

Maintenance of as-built drawings.

Coordinating responses to vendors’ requests for information and technical issues.

Serving as main point of contact at the site for client/consultant questions and discussions on quality and technical issues.

When needed delegating his duties to alternate personnel and notifying to whom what duties have been delegated.

The project quality control manager or an alternate will be on-site when work is being performed.

Sample Job Description of QA/QC Manager

POSITION: QA/ QC Manager / Project QA/QC Manager

Reporting to: General Manager/ Area Managersproject quality engineer job description

Linked with :

  • General Manager
  • Area Managers
  • All department heads
  • Project Managers

Level of Authority

Approval of all Quality System documents

Level of Contacts

  • General Manager
  • Area Managers
  • All Department Heads
  • Project Managers
  • QA/ QC Engineers/ Inspectors
  • Project Discipline Engineers

Basic Functions, Scope, Duties and Responsibilities

  • Prepares and maintains Quality Manuals, Quality Systems and procedures
  • Implementation of Quality System in the company
  • Provides supervision to QA/ QC Inspectors to carry out testing and inspection activities at Project Sites
  • Development of Quality documents like Quality Plans, ITP’s, Test forms etc.
  • Plans Internal Audit and provides supervision to Internal Auditors to carry out Internal Quality Audits
  • Coordinate with External Auditors to carry out external audit
  • Arrange in required amendments in Quality Systems documents
  • Maintains status log of all non- conformance reports, corrective actions and preventive actions
  • Arrange to conduct Management Review meetings and prepares agenda
  • Follow up any requirements of Company’s ISO Certification

Qualifications and Experience

A) Bachelor of Science in relevant engineering field

B) Minimum of seven (10) years experience in similar fields

C) Familiar with all Quality Systems and Internal Audit procedures

D) Good communication skills

E) Good leadership qualities

F) Good English / local language

G) Good computer skills

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