The purpose of this method is to determine the crushing value of the given sample of aggregate for the road construction works. The Principal mechanical properties required in road stones are: Satisfactory resistance to crushing under the roller during construction and Adequate
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For the design of bridges foundation, the scope of subsurface exploration shall be to determine soil parameters and rock characteristics and their suitability by insitu testing or testing of samples/cores taken out of exploration. It shall be planned in such a way
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Demolition of any structure is a ground to earth technique which means destroying down or falling down of a building with the help of equipment’s, machineries, and explosives or with manual techniques without affecting the surrounding. Demolition means dismantling, razing, destroying or
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Below is a precise method statement for erection and welding of vertical Bracing for steel buildings and structures as per the project requirements. Sequence of activities for Bracing Erection are as follows Receiving material from stores and temporarily stacking them if necessary
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This procedure defines the requirements for gabion wall basket or mattress installation works, in order to maintain the soil stability for any kind of installations including landscaping and pipe works etc. Where multiple activities are scheduled, the general contractor is to review
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This method statement represents the proposed construction procedure for the bituminous roads, kerbs, tiles and paver block installation activities. It is the overall responsibility of the project manager for road work, to ensure that the site preparation activities and safety requirements are
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