Project Progress Reporting & Monitoring Procedure

This project management procedure describes the activities related to project progress report and progress control methods and Reports to enable effective monitoring of a project.

Progress Measurement Procedure

Progress measurements shall be undertaken on a regular basis of all works in progress.

The period of measurement will be determined by the Project Director / Project Manager in conjunction with the Project Planning Manager.

Data to be inserted in the “planned” field in all reports must be that derived from the approved contract baseline Schedule. The data in the “planned” field will remain constant until a revised schedule is developed and approved, when the revised data shall be adopted.

Progress Monitoring shall be carried-out by the Project Planning Manager or delegate to record and report progress on all aspects of the project development including all Pre-construction and Construction activities.

In measuring the progress, the type of percent complete in Primavera shall be established such as duration, physical or unit percent complete. As more practicably used, duration percent complete shall be selected not otherwise specified by the Client or Project Manager as a basis for progress measurement.

Earned Value Analysis

Earned Value Analysis (EVA) based on the amount of progress achieved versus the amount of work planned to be completed as the reporting date. This should be based on the labor resources loaded on the schedule and as required by the Project Director.

Remaining Float Analysis

The project schedule shall be progressed regularly and then rescheduled to forecast the completion date of the project and any other intermediate milestones with an analysis of the remaining float against end of the selected milestones.

Project Progress Reporting Method

As initiated by the Project Director/Manager, the planning team is responsible to provide the planning aspect of the report to the client as stipulated in the contract.

The following items may be incorporated in the Project Monthly Report reflecting the planning requirements of the project.

Project Data Sheet: The Project Data Sheet shall provide a high level summary about the project in its current status.

Schedule Summary: A Schedule Summary shall be prepared to provide a comprehensive summary of the overall progress, tradewise, element, or structure. Output of the same may be generated directly from the schedule software or thru MS Excel.

Weighted Progress Report:

The Project Planning Manager in conjunction with the Divisional General Manager, Project Director/Project Manager, Divisional Planning Manager and the Client shall determine appropriate weighting factors by considering the time allocation, cost and scope of each Project Activity.

Based on these agreed weighting factors a Weighted Project Progress Report and Chart shall be prepared.

The weighting factors of main reporting levels are distributed to different sub reporting levels according to the scope.

A graphical chart may be produced to represent this weighted progress report for main trades such as Nomination, Sub Contractor, Shop Drawing, Materials, Sub Structure, Super Structure, M & E, Finishes, Testing & Final works.

Manpower Log & Histogram – Direct Manpower

Manpower Log & Histograms shall be prepared from progress data of Baseline/Actual vs. Contract timescale. The data is to be recorded in tabular form to produce the required histogram charts.

Time Keeper in consultation with Site administrator shall maintain the manpower data.

Reporting Methods and Tools

A number of methods and tools for reporting are available and shall be used as appropriate as determined by the Project Planning Manager or the Project Director/Manager.

The methods available are described below:

Progress recorded on a Primavera Schedule, typically for Contract or Overall Construction schedule.

Recording the progress on Microsoft Excel Schedule as a jagged red line, typically for short term or look ahead schedule

Project Progress Reporting & Monitoring Procedure

Progress recorded on Hand drawn schedules as a jagged red line, typically for short term or look ahead schedules.

Record the progress on project structural or architectural drawings as coloured progress mark up, typically used to record structural, elevation or finishes progress

Progress recorded in a date schedule format as actual dates compared to planned dates, typically design, procurement, permits, submittals dates.

Recording the progress on progress trend graphs, in the form of S curves produced on Microsoft Excel or Primavera, typically used for reporting planned v actual progress of resources either in detailed analysis or an overall summary review

Planning Records

The filing system described in this procedure is limited to those documents directly associated with project planning. The filing system must be well structured in terms of incoming and outgoing documents, the sending/receiving party and the type of document that is being received or sent.

Methods and format of the filing shall be agreed with the project team in accordance with Project Execution Plan.

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